Monday, October 6, 2008

i am glad baseball is over

9/28/08 was a great day for me. i was just glad to be done with baseball and be able to focus on football. i finished 2nd and 3rd, having resigned myself to losing in funston's league. i am still a little annoyed that i lost carlos lee, then carlos quentin, and had bj upton injured the entire week of the semi-finals in the other league, but i guess i have adjusted to that reality.

i was pretty annoyed to see what a lousy night adrian peterson is having. i had about 35 points' cushion plus peterson going against an opponent who's starting bush, brees, and the new orleans defense. there's some weird rules in the scoring system; all touchdowns are 7 points, completions are awarded fractional points and incompletions and sacks lead to negative points. on top of that, it's a point per reception league, which makes bush absolutely deadly and peterson much less of a premiere back than he would otherwise be. there is still plenty of time for him to shape up, but i think at this point he has to outscore bush and brees combined as they've really had a nice night thus far. oh well, at least i'll remain undefeated in one league...where i have cutler and brees. i still love that trade...even though it was like week 2 how could i hvae been so lucky as to have traded hines ward and romo for brees and steven jackson? don't trust early returns, i guess.

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