Friday, August 22, 2008

bring back somebody

in the end, when you're playing in a h2h league, you can never have enough anything. pitchers have either gotten injured, gone sour, or both. i've got melvin mora starting at 3rd, which is great in roto but won't necessarily help me come playoff time. there will be playoffs - i clinched at the end of last week, but my entire offensive bench right now is named hunter pence. i got complacent in this league. i didn't pick up dye when he had 19 hrs and a .300 avg, because i figured i didn't really need him. i didn't pick up alexei ramirez because i figured everyone knew he was good and had already passed on him.

so far, the most important decision (i think) was to trade kevin gregg and carl crawford for bj upton. if i hadn't done that, i wouldn't have carlos quentin, who i picked up after the trade was done. the key is, though, that i didn't have to make the trade to do that deal. i could have dropped a reliever. i could have even dropped pence. maybe that was back when he looked like he'd be great. i'd take him late next year, but definitely not early.

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