Monday, May 17, 2010

reckless speculation about the blue jays

when the red sox signed marco scutaro, i was immediately incensed because they guy had been coming off a career year at 35. his performance, especially coupled with aaron hill outhomering his career total and adam lind's power output, made me somewhat curious about whether the toronto clubhouse had some access to undetected performance enhancing drugs of some sort. now this year, alex gonzalez has 10 home runs and vernon wells is significantly better than he has been the past two years. it's a little strange to see all these outlying performances from one team. i haven't compared any of this to other teams, but that's a lot of strange numbers.


Ben Arkell said...

I'm in a pickle...not sure if I should drop Aaron Hill. His BABIP last year was through the roof, and his luck this year has faded. Don't know how long I can hold on because I could use another roster spot. I have Casey McGhee but if the Brewers make any roster moves, his numbers could see a sharp decline.

seth said...

hmm, i saw this rather lengthy article on hill and in the end, it sounds like you can be okay keeping him if have someone else to pick up who can hopefully beat the aaron hill forecast of .280 with 15-20 hrs by the end of the year. i wouldn't necessarily be afraid to drop him.