Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the old becomes new again

thanks to the constant repetition of pandora, i am now coming to the point with my spoon station where i'm evicting songs i like lest i get sick of them. spoon's catalog is pretty deep, so thus far i've only been ruling out other acts' fine but overplayed works. still, it's almost refreshing to experience the fresh thrill of seeing a good station go bad. oh...well, i guess that's not such a good thing.

Friday, April 2, 2010

is it cool if i evict steve jobs from my brain?

after grading papers, it's time to relax. i'm enjoying a nice album (she&him's vol 2) and a slice of german chocolate cake. so i start to think why don't i head over and sit on the comfortable couch with my dell laptop. then i realize what i should really do is head over to the couch to eat my cake and browse the web on the ipad i don't own, because my dell is admittedly a sort of terrible computer to use. but really? somehow mentally i already own an ipad?

so thanks, steve jobs. thanks a whole lot for taking over my brain. it's time for you to leave. or at least stick around long enough so i can interview you for my folklore project.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

stevie j!

seriously, i can't figure out which apple products to buy. so, mr. jobs, is it cool if i just mail a big check to cupertino and you send me a mystery grab bag? note: no desktop macs allowed in said grab bag. i want a portable technology (magic?) grab bag.