Friday, February 13, 2009

falcons preparing to make a trade?

k, i really think i'm ready for michael vick to come back to the nfl. i want him to be great, live a great life, and set an example of how to grow up and get past your transgressions. who knows if any of that will happen.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

reality for real

i'm glad to see that bud selig's reported desire to hand the home run crown back to hank aaron is not something i made up in a weird dream. while avoiding judgment one way or the other on the issue, i am happy to know that i did not dream about the home run record last night.

Monday, February 9, 2009

the record's just not safe

alex rodriguez exceeds low expectations by sounding human in his apology over his past steroid use. i wonder how this will be received generally.

go hank aaron.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

dreams are silly

i think i am really enjoying the fact that i'm not playing fantasy sports at the moment. the football season ended so well - my teams finished 1,1,2,3,10 - that it doesn't really matter that the one terrible team was in the league that matters the most. you have to wonder sometimes if it's time to just give up. i do have a streak of 3 straight years winning a championship on my primary account - that's 3 championships in 8 leagues - so maybe it's worth taking a shot at keeping that up. i've kicked around the idea of doing a half-season baseball league; i get so bored of fantasy baseball. i have also found that it's still pretty entertaining to read about fantasy basketball (which i have never actually played) without having a team. no pressure, all fun. maybe not as much fun as running a team when it's going well...but football is probably the one fantasy sport that's the most enjoyable and that i'm most likely to continue playing.